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ATM Monitoring through DynaTrace


I would like to ask if anybody has done ATM Transaction monitoring with DynaTrace OneAgent. Are we able to get transaction data enriched enough to provide details such as cash flow, balance enquiry, Error messages on failed transactions i.e , authentication errors.


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Such devices are hard to monitor by OneAgent because of licensing for example. Each of device has some amount of ram. Applications are native. What you can do is create custom application in Dynatrace. Than you should instrument ATM software with Dynatrace OpenKit.

You should be able to create user actions that will match most of your needs. You can configured it to start session after putting card and end it after transaction. As user tag you can use then code of ATM; you wil be able to make statistics for each of them using USQL.

But this needs software modification.



Regards, Sebastian

Hello @sebastian k.

Currently, the customer is interested in monitoring the availability of the ATMs.

What should be the approach toward this requirement?



Maybe kind of health check that will send some matric to Dynatrace? Than you can have custom metrics splitted by dimension (ID of ATM). This should be fine. You can than set custom threshold. For example you will have 1000 ATM's, if number is below 1000, rise problem.
Regards, Sebastian

Hello @sebastian k.
Do we have any other way to monitor the ATMs instead of changing in the software?



If you will install there agent in infra mode, you will see all ATM's in dynatrace (if network is available), but this will tell you if host is running and has access to DT, not if ATM is available. One agent plugin may be good idea here if there are local performance counters that may tell you if ATM is working or not. But license cost for such huge amount of ATMS may be high.


Regards, Sebastian

Hello @sebastian k.

In this situation, openkit should be a suitable candidate.



Hi Sebastian

Did you implement o know ATM monitoring with OpenKit. I looking forward to monitoring 750 ATM and I analyzing if user activate plugins because permit metrics o OpenKit, your comments please?

Hi Sebastian

Did you implement o know ATM monitoring with OpenKit. I looking forward to monitoring 750 ATM and I analyzing if user activate plugins because permit metrics o OpenKit, your comments please?

Not in ATM but in several reach clients, yes.


Regards, Sebastian

Thanks, with is better OpenKit or Activegate plug-in for something like atm, I think maybe active plugin in order to include metrics

It all depends of your need. If you need metrics as well you can always use both. But you will have to create script that will Collector metrics nas expose them for ActiveGate in secure way.


Regards, Sebastian

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