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📖 Accomplish your goals with Dynatrace faster with the revamped documentation experience

Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion


As frequent users of Dynatrace, you know the value of clear, action-focused documentation. We’ve listened to your feedback, conducted research, and worked to bring you a new Dynatrace documentation experience that’s more intuitive, user-friendly, and built around your goals. 

What to Expect with the New Documentation 

Starting today, you’ll see a fresh, streamlined documentation experience designed to help you get answers and solve problems faster. Highlights of the new documentation include: 

  • Streamlined, User-Centric Structure & Quick Information Access: The goal-oriented information flow with a left-hand navigation and intuitive homepage design ensures faster access to relevant information and less time searching. The redesigned homepage includes improved filtering, a quick "Get Started" section, and highlighted content for popular use cases. 


    Screenshot 1: New Documentation landing page 
  • Guided learning paths: New structure includes context-based, step-by-step guides for popular use cases, such as Kubernetes management and data visualization, supporting customized learning (e.g. Site Reliability Guardian).  


    Screenshot 2: New Site Reliability Guardian landing page 
  • Practical, Solution-Focused Guidance: Emphasis on best practices provides clear steps to optimize Dynatrace features, troubleshoot issues, and achieve specific user goals efficiently (e.g. Use cases overview page). 

What’s Next? 

Enjoy exploring and working with the revamped Dynatrace documentation! Our goal is to gradually improve documentation pages over the next months. Your feedback will directly shape future improvements, ensuring it remains a valuable tool in your daily work with Dynatrace. 




Thanks @jaroslaw_orlows for sharing useful resources.


Hi guys,

don't wanna crash the party but did you try the search? It's fast, yes - but the searc h dialog stays on top and so at first you think you did not find anything. Because it's underneath...

I'd automatically close the dialog...

Dynatrace Master, Appmon Master

Hi @TorstenHellwig,

We are aware of this bug, and there is already a ticket for it—it should be resolved soon.  

If you have any questions about the Community, you can contact me at

you need to add separate section for APIs as was in the past for ease of exploration & navigation. the new structure is very confusing for me.

Mostafa Hussein.

Certified Dynatrace Professional | Certified Dynatrace Services - Observability | Dynatrace Partner

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