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ActiveGate installation procedure


Could you please clarify the following questions which we have received from customer for ActiveGate installation?

1. Is ActiveGate procedure manual? or automated one is also available?

2. Do we need specific login to login Dynatrace SAAS tenant?

3. If there is chance that API token and version be different?

4. Configuring the limit on number of open files--Is it necessary? or the latest versions do this automatically

Thanks in advance



Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Hi Sangeetha,

1. The procedure is completely automatic. Just go through the steps for the ActiveGate installation - which in sum consists of downloading the installer, verifying the file and installing the ActiveGate.

2. No, the ActiveGate installer file has the parameters required to connect to your Dynatrace tenant. This also means that the ActiveGate you download is specific to the tenant you downloaded the ActiveGate from. After the installation, you should see the ActiveGate in the Deployment Status page under the tab ActiveGates.

3. By default the installer you acquire will be the latest version released by Dynatrace. You are still able to install previous versions of the ActiveGate using the older ActiveGates, although it's suggested to keep up-to-date for new features and security updates. The API token is different per user. You can see per user what API token is used by going to Settings > Integration > Platform as a Service and select the InstallerDownload token.

4. The configuration is done automatically since version 1.145.


Thank you Siavash for the detailed reply

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