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Anomaly detection with timeframe

Frequent Guest


Hi, im new to dynatrace and Im having trouble creating an anomaly detection that will verify the increase of a metric for a period of 24h. 

Here is the query im running in the data explorer page.



However when I create my anomaly detection it doesnt include the 24 hours filter... Do i need to modify my query to add a timeframe if so how can i do this?






Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader


i tried that before opening the ticket and its not giving me the result i need

i need to be alerted if my metric does not increase by at least 1 in the last 24 hours...

see screenshot below




Try to do a calculation

(your metrics with timeshift) - (metric without timeshift)



Frequent Guest


im having the same problem





So, livraison and observability-cac ran 163 successful backup in the last 24h, and also 163 in the interval from -42h to -18h. 
Looks like the expected behaviour is to have the same number of backups in the last 24h than in previous period.

actually we run only 4 backups a day (every 6h) and i have to make sure that there was atleast one sucessful backup in the last 24h.

I have no idea where this 163 value is coming from.

We are in the process of doing the migration of our monitoring from prometheus to dynatrace. If i compare the exact same metric in dynatrace and in in prometheus im getting different results (see both graphs below)





It looks like you are using fold operator.

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