05 Jul 2022 08:10 AM
Hello Everyone,
We are trying to increase our Apdex score, so when we perform waterfall analysis we observed different situations.
We discovered R (Request Start) and F (Time to first byte) takes very long time. Here I am sharing some examples from our research.
Where should we start investigating this situation to decrease R and F time. Do you have any suggestions ?
Environment Info:
.NET Framework 4.7
IIS 10.0.17763.1
Windows Server 2019
Case 1:
R: 1 second ?
F: 9 seconds ?
Resource Request JS: 9.5 seconds blocking ?
Case 2:
Same page request 30 minutes between them, first requst takes 6 seconds but the second one takes 18 seconds
First Request
Second Request
R: 10 seconds ?
F: 16.5 seconds ?
Case 3
R: 34 seconds ?
F: 34.5 seconds
Case 4
Same request within a minute, first one takes 17 seconds second one takes 58 seconds
First Request
Second Request
11 Jan 2023 04:27 PM
@furkan were you able to find a solution on the timings on the page/actions?