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Auto-adaptive threshold

Hi, there

Any use cases available for auto-adaptive threshold in Dynatrace?




Interestingly enough I can't find a definition of how exactly the adaptation of the threshold is calculated. Meaning after which time a threshold is changed so that a violation of the threshold does no longer occur. 

I do have situations where a problem is closed after 15-20minutes and the value which caused the violation is still high.

Does anyone know an explanation?




Dynatrace Master, Appmon Master

Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

Hi @SrikanthSamraj,

Auto-adaptive threholds in Dynatrace provide a dynamic approach to anomoly detection by allowing reference values to change over time. This method offers significant advantages over statick thresholds, which require manual ajustments and predefined values.

Auto-adaptive thresholds automatically adjust to the normal behavior of each metric, eliminating the need for manual recalibration. When configuring anomaly detection for multiple entities, such as hosts, each entity gets its own adaptive threshold, ensuring more accurate and independant evaluations. This flexbility helps in avoiding false positives that often occur with static thresholds in environments with fluctuating metrics.

A practical example can be seen with disk write times. A static threshold might be set based on initial data, but as disk usage changes, this threshold could lead to false alerts. Auto-adaptive thresholds, however, adjust to these changes in real-time, providing more reliable anomaly detection without constant manual intervention.

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