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Auto tagging rule - applying to "inactive" entities



Does anyone know how to "activate"  an auto-tagging rule to apply to "inactive" entities. I was told that "inactive" means no "activity' in the last 24 hours, However, I have seen entities ignored by rule(s) even with inactivity duration < 24hours.

We've a combination of auto and manual (via API) tagging. Most entities are Kubernetes related. At times, a change/fix is needed to certain rules that need to be re-applied. The change/fix just doesn't affect these "inactive" entities.  I  ideally would like to have the inactive timing be around 10 days.

Thanks. Tibebe



DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Tags should remain but my question is about the source of the tag. For example, are you tagging a host and leveraging data from the properties of the host? like Host Group, IP Etc? If the host goes inactive for a period of time its very possible the tag may drop out as the Host Group is not longer present. 

Can you share with us the details of your tags and the sources of them?



Hi @ChadTurner 

It does happen to tags applied to pretty much any entity whether or not tags derived from relationships/properties.  

In some cases  it's related to entities that are short lived, i.e. do not exist in the source system but have been captured in Dynatrace. Since tags are critical for "access"  (Management Zone as tenant identifier), these entities need to be tagged correctly.  


can you share with us one of the tags that your using that's missing? or even a screen shot? 



here's an example of a process group that was tagged by auto-tagging rule: nonprod_prod: nonprod  the rule did not get re-evaluated and change the value to nonprod_prod: prod even with PG inactivity less than 24 hours. This PG is inactive for 4 days as of now. 


Thanks. Tibebe

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