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Can't add workflows to ansible tower problem notification integration

Frequent Guest


I'm unable to add a workflow job template in my ansible tower integration, as it does not follow the recommended URL template of HTTPS://<Ansible Tower server name>/#/templates/job_template/<JobTemplateID>. When I try to add my workflow template, the URL path is HTTPS://<Ansible Tower server name>/#/templates/workflow_job_template/<JobTemplateID>

Is there any way currently to add a workflow template? I'm running AWX, so I'm unsure if Ansible Tower has a different URL path scheme

Thanks in advance


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Andrew, were you able to get this resolved? Did you need to reach out to Ansible? Are you still having an issue with this?



If you're using AWX, which is the upstream version of Ansible Tower Server, the URL path scheme for workflow job templates is slightly different. Instead of using /templates/job_template/<JobTemplateID>, you need to use /templates/workflow_job_template/<JobTemplateID>.

To add a workflow template in AWX, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the AWX web interface.
  2. Click on "Templates" in the left navigation menu.
  3. Click on the blue "+" button to create a new template.
  4. Select "Workflow Job Template" from the dropdown menu.
  5. Fill in the required information for your workflow template, such as name, description, and inventory.
  6. Save the template.

When you save the template, AWX will generate a URL with the format you mentioned:HTTPS://<AWX server name>/#/templates/workflow_job_template/<JobTemplateID>. Make sure to replace <AWX server name> with the actual hostname or IP address of your AWX server, and <JobTemplateID> with the ID of your workflow job template.

If you're still experiencing issues or the URL format doesn't match, it's recommended to check the AWX documentation or seek assistance from the AWX community for further support.

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