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Check Azure app service Linux on Dynatrace after installation


We already set up the script in Azure app service Linux.

And we do not see any information in Dynatrace. We also disabled Application insight.


DynaMight Pro
DynaMight Pro

Did you went by the documentation at Integrate OneAgent on Azure App Service | Dynatrace Docs, and specifically the instructions in  Integrate OneAgent on App Service for Linux and containers | Dynatrace Docs?
Which scenario did you apply, Bring your own code (built-in image), or Bring your own container (Custom image)?

Did you also look at log forwarding? This may also help in verifying if you are able to receive data at all.

Another question: have you enabled Azure Monitor integration?

Kind regards, Frans Stekelenburg                 Certified Dynatrace Associate |, Dynatrace Partner

Yes, we already follow the instructions in the document guide with the Bring your own code (build-in image) scenario. But we hadn't received any data in Dynatrace, we also disable Azure application insight. And the transactions or requests were requested into the app service normally.


The Azure Monitor integration we haven't connected yet. Is it required to connect Azure integration?

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