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Create a custom service on full class name with version number included

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Hello members,

I want to instrument talend job executions, so I use a custom service java by specifying the full class name and the method as  entry point. It works like a charm but my full class name includes a version number incremented at each talend upgrade.

Is there a way to ignore characters with regex or * on the full class name to avoid the creation of a new custom service at each  version upgrade ?


Thanks a lot.

Regards aurelien.


Observability consultant - Dynatrace Associate/Pro/Services certified

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion


As I know - it is not possible. 

To avoid many other problems - such as adding custom services without filters, each class has its own "signature". If the application changes - as does the class name - its "signature" changes.

I think it is optimal to use the SDK in this case - then the service will always be the same regardless of the version of your application or the version of the agent.


Alex Romanenkov


Hi @AurelienGravier,

go one step higher and create CustomService (CS) on framework method that is invoking Your method.

Then create RequestAttribute capturing class/method name of Your method and use it to name Your request (RequestNamingRule). This way You will have data consistency and service will remain the same (dashboard baselines etc) with new versions. It's not perfect solution but in mine opinion best one for many reasons.



DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Interesting @MichalOlszewski but it's impossible in my case the higher level is the main method of talend job and the instrumentation of the main method is troncated my traces !

I believe we will use terraform to change the custom service foreach new version on configuration api.

Observability consultant - Dynatrace Associate/Pro/Services certified

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