22 May 2018
05:58 PM
- last edited on
20 Feb 2023
11:57 AM
We had a requirement to setup monitoring for Pivotal Cloud Foundry. I found couple of documents but not sure which one to follow. Can someone provide steps?
Solved! Go to Solution.
22 May 2018 06:10 PM
@Tarun :
The preferred deployment mechanism for PCF Environments is via the BOSH add-on. Deployment via the BOSH add-on allows for automatic instrumentation of apps pushed to PCF as well as monitoring of the underlying platform VMs and processes as well. Documentation for deploying the add-on is available in two locations.
Within Dynatrace documentation: https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/cloud-platf...
Within Pivotal Network documentation: https://docs.pivotal.io/partners/dynatrace-fullsta...
The steps to deploy involve fetching the add-on from PivNet, uploading it to your BOSH director, editing your BOSH runtime-config, uploading the runtime-config to your BOSH director and either hitting the Apply Changes button in Pivotal OpsManager or running a BOSH deployment via the CLI.
If you do not have access to BOSH then you will be limited to invoking buildpack extensions via a bound-service. This methodology supports visibility only into the application's container.
Instructions on creating and binding a Dynatrace service to your applications is available here: https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/cloud-platf...
This simply entails creating a service in your environment either via the Service Broker Tile and cf marketplace commands or via the create-user-provided-service command, binding that service to your application(s) via the cf bind-service command and then restaging the application. The bind-service step would need to be done for every application in your environment that you wish to monitor.
hope this helps!
01 Jun 2018 08:30 PM
Hi Michael,
We have setup PCF monitoring using CUPS and binded the application but we are getting the following error.Can you help us in fixing this.
06 Jun 2018 12:22 AM
The task should catch the dynatrace name and automatically attempt the build. How did you bind this to your service?
05 Jun 2018 11:47 PM
Hi Michael,
We are having a new requirement to setup dynatrace monitoring for PCF with appmon and our PCF servers are in AWS. In order to setup appmon do we need to setup dynatrace collector in AWS or with the existing collectors it will work.
06 Jun 2018 12:26 AM
The good news is that AppMon is very similar for installation. It uses a built-in task and you bind it using a CUPS. The bad news is that this is configured for AppMon SaaS, so you'll need to make some modifications to support your own implementation of AppMon (if you have it).
The collector should be as close as possible to your agent, so I'd locate a collector instance in AWS rather than something on-prem. This is due to the nature of the collector-agent relationship.
06 Jun 2018 10:52 PM
Hi Chase,
We followed the below documentation but we are not seeing agents are connected and not seeing anything in the logs.
Following are the steps we followed.
step 1:cf create-user-provided-service cf-dynatrace -p '{"server":"dynatrace-collector.abc.xxx.com"}'
step 2:Bind the dynatrace-service
step 3: Restage APP