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Elasticsearch OneAgent extension configuration


Hi, My scenario is that we hosted 4 ES instances in one on-premise server having different URLs (port number). When I checked in Dynatrace we can't monitor 4 URLs at a time (only1 at a time). Do any option is there to monitor all 4 different URLs to get monitor?. We have separate management zone available respective to the URLS. Tried the shared entity concept but didn't work out.



I'm pretty sure it should work. I assume each ES instance has its process. Therefore, each should have at least one service bound to a separate port.

Senior Product Manager,
Dynatrace Managed expert


But how we can add multiple URLs?



Ah OK. It's clear now. The question is related to the Elasticsearch OneAgent extension. Indeed this supports only 1 Elasticsearch instance per host. 

Senior Product Manager,
Dynatrace Managed expert

Any other possibility that we can implement here to monitor multiple instance from one host?


It is possible with a workaround. In the extension configuration, you should directly point to a Prometheus exporter endpoint instead of an Elasticsearch instance.  

Connect all your Elasticsearch endpoints to the Prometheus and then use the extension.

Senior Product Manager,
Dynatrace Managed expert

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