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HoT Day 2021 - Feedback

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

This year just like years prior, I attended Dynatrace HoT Day Sessions. While typically these sessions are in person, I've always found them to be clunky and not very streamlined. Issues we had in person ranged from projector bleaching, small text size on the screens, lacking of documentation to connection issues.

This year, due to COVID we are attending classes virtually. Hands down the sessions this year have been the best yet. All of the issues that were experienced in the years past are no longer an issue.

Having the environments just a click away with the user names and password readily available for copy and paste functionality means a lot! Same with the GitHub Repo for the documentation/guides. Before, if you fell behind, that was it, the slide had changed and your only hope to catch up was one on one help during bathroom breaks. Now you can follow along via the GitHub which allows you to fall behind but not be lost, as the journey is documented step by step. Additionally, we can copy and paste command/terminal data as well, which is a huge relief especially when before you had to squint at the screen and do your best to get the commands. Additionally the ability to open a terminal up in your browser, so no need to worry about VPN connections or blocking!

Great Job on the improvements!



Awesome feedback! Thanks @Chad T. !!

I'm on the other side of the training than you, but still I find this approach a lot more efficient. Also from the organizational side and helping participants to troubleshoot issues.

Well... the thought is one that applies to our Dynatrace culture as well - Automation, automation, automation! And GitOps approach with "training a a code" 😄

Senior Product Manager,
Dynatrace Managed expert

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Today was a really good set of Hot Day Sessions. The VLT style learning was great and everything was nicely mapped out. Looking forward to tomorrows sessions!


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