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📢 How Dynatrace quickly finds machines affected by the CrowdStrike issue

Community Team
Community Team


Microsoft Windows computers crashed around the world on Friday, July 19, due to an issue with the Crowdstrike update.

The incident was one of the worst IT outages in history. It impacted around 8.5 million computers worldwide, including banking systems, hospitals, airlines, and various businesses. Some of them still struggle to restore their systems fully.

It shows that companies today must pay close attention to observability, security, and business aspects of IT and can't afford to do otherwise. 

How can Dynatrace help quickly find machines affected by the CrowdStrike issue and similar cases?

We invite you to read the latest blog article to find out.

When passion meets people magic and innovation happen.

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Great Blog! Our Activegates were impacted but luckily we also had a failsafe for direct communication which helped Dynatrace Agents to report in and provide updates on the given impacted hosts. 


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