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How can we view all Settings changes?


As we continue to grant more users access to Dynatrace, we want to ensure we can track any and all Settings changes.

Is there a way to view all Settings changes made and by whom?

It's not always easy to view Revision History for every single setting, without clicking into every single setting.

In some cases, there is no Revision History.

Thank you.


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

The changes are available through the Audit logs:

Antonio Sousa

Thank you for your reply, @AntonioSousa.

We will make sure to enable this.

We've just enabled Log Audit Events and can now see what we needed to see.

Is there any other way to view the audit logs outside of the Dynatrace REST API? Something a little more non-technical user friendly and easy to read.

For example, are the audit logs visible via the Logs & Events app like other system events are?

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