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How do I calculate license costs for the Carbon Impact app?

Community Team
Community Team

Is there a rule of thumb for calculating the cost of business events generated by the app? 


Dynatrace Participant
Dynatrace Participant

Each bizevent generated by the Carbon Impact app for each hour and for each host instrumented has a size of 697 bytes (be aware that this may increase a bit as the bizevents will include more metadata). So if a customer has 1000 hosts instrumented, this means 0.000697 GB per hour, so at the end of a month  (24hours x 30days) is 0.50184 GB a month. Assuming a 1:1:8 (ingest-store-query) proportion would be easy to forecast how much will impact the customer. The reality: a big financial services company with 27K instrumented hosts is paying around $100 monthly. A bargain for the value provided! 

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