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How do I use the Discovery Findings section of the Discovery & Coverage App?

Community Team
Community Team

Now I'd like to know what are the main guidelines on the Discovery Findings section usage in the new Discovery & Coverage App.


Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

This screen provides an overview of best practice Dynatrace configuration recommendations. The app has a list of rules, which combine a DQL query and recommended actions. Each DQL query identifies important technologies through Smartscape and determines if they are monitored according to best practices.

If a technology is not fully monitored, the large button at the right will allow you to quickly remediate by applying the recommended settings.

After clicking the Apply button, you are presented with an “Are you sure?” modal which summarizes the actions to be taken and gives you a final choice of applying the settings or cancelling. Alternatively, you can use the context menu (3-dots) to apply a range of actions, including muting the rule.

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