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Monthly Subscribed reports open links : Is there any way to get all subscribed monthly reports in one report?

Frequent Guest

Hello Team,


We have many applications and need to share monthly reports for group of applications to different Business(dind't have access on tenant). Currently, we have subscribed to monthly reports and taking all those links manually. It was much time consuming process. So, Is there any way to get all reports open links in one report?


Best Regards,

Vivekanandareddy Vintha


Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor


As far as I am aware, there is no way to get all subscribed dashboard report links in one report automatically. This may be a good use case for an RFE - please feel free to submit on our Product Ideas page: .

ACE Consultant, Dynatrace Services
Dynatrace Certified Professional


Hi @vivekanandaredd 


I dont understand exactly your need, but try to find a way with the API to get the list of reports, 

If you you want a specific list of reports, try to add a tag to this list, and get all the report with this specified ID...


Good day.


Sharing Knowledge

Frequent Guest

Hello @


But, those links are not open. We need to share the reports, who do not have access in Dynatrace. Subscribed reports are open links. 


Best Regards,

Vivekanandareddy Vintha

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