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Multi-tenant ActiveGate cannot be used for HTTP synthetic from 2 tenants?


I configured a multi-tenant ActiveGate for my SaaS environment, hoping that both tenants could use the ActiveGate for HTTP Synthetic checks. In the "installation environment" the ActiveGate shows up, but in the other tenant it doesn't (hence I cannot select it as a "custom monitoring location").

Is this something I misconfigured, by design, or not yet available?


Dynatrace Certified Professional


Hi Sjoerd!

At the moment it is not yet available but we have it planned for the future development.

Hi Jan, Thank you for the answer! Is this something on the short-term or longer-term requirements?

Dynatrace Certified Professional

Hi, any update on this?

DynaMight Pro
DynaMight Pro

Multi-environment ActiveGate & Synthetic function do not combine (yet)
Multi-environment deployment of ActiveGate | Dynatrace Docs

If interested follow a Product Idea existing on this matter:
Multi-environment synthetic Activegates? - Dynatrace Community

Note from that topic: If you are a Managed customer then you can already do this by installing a Synthetic-enabled Cluster ActiveGate. This can then be used across any environments in that Cluster. 

Kind regards, Frans Stekelenburg                 Certified Dynatrace Associate |, Dynatrace Partner

It seems this was first asked in 2018 and updated in 2023 it is now 2024 and we have DPS and all kinds of new cool features in Dynatrace but still no multi environment Synthetics?
I would love to have that in my environment and really need it in my environment.

If you would like your feedback to be seen by the Product Manager, I recommend commenting on the Product idea for this. You can find the Product Managers last update here

Synthetic SME and community advocate.

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