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Mute URI for specific set of services


Hi Folks,

I wanted to mute one URI for bunch of services which has specific tag and also this should be automated if any new service comes in. I don't see any global setting available to achieve this.

One option we could see is, Deep monitoring --> Exclude specific web request URL's but that could be at environment level and we don't want to do it becasue, we are looking to add it for specific set of services.

I'm looking to get help in this context.





DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Hi @AK ,

You can use the following feature: URL Based Sampling

This is available for agents above version 1.279.
It allows you to reduce, ignore or even increase the detection rate of certain endpoints.
Applicable by environment or by service.

This provides better granularity than the Deep monitoring function --> Exclude specific web request URL's

Here's the documentation:

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Dynatrace Partner - Professional Certified - DynaMight

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