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Notification problems with Telegram



I have been following this tutorial about Telegram,s integration with Dyna:

With the test notification I'm already receiving messages from the bot, not from the chat group which is what I want.

After I sent the message to the bot I received:

1.jpg 2.jpg

I think I missed a step or two between the second step and third.

Also, what do it means by "Replace <YOUR_API_ACCESS_TOKEN> with your actual token. The result set will include your chat ID as id in the chat section:"?  It refers to this URL you compose steps ahead<YOUR_API_TOKEN>/sendMessage?chat_id=<YOUR_CHAT_ID> ?


If someone could help me, please!

Thank you!


Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper


In the <YOUR_API_ACCESS_TOKEN> placeholder you need to change these for the token generated in the step 1.4.




Thank yiou, jaume_reverte!

It's working now, the bot sends the run test messages to the chat group, but I just figured that the real problems are not being reposted. 

I have been checking my configurations, but I dont know if I'm wrong with that or I missed something else.

My Problem notifications configuration:


My Problem alerting profikes configuration:



and my Management zones settings configuratippn:


If you could help me., please.

Thank you!

I don't see any problem with your configuration with the photos you uploaded. I recommend you to test the integration with a real problem. For the sake of the test try to delete the matching problems for the alerting profile, they are very restrective. 


And then try to force Dynatrace to open a problem lowering some threshold. This way you'll be able to see if there is a real problem in the configuration. 

For future reference and for troubleshooting I give you some tips. 

Check Alerting Profile: To check that the alerting profile is working as expected you can go to the Problem Overview page and there see for each problem which Alerting profile is being picked. 

Management Zone: I prefer the MZ to be dependant from tags and not directly from the entities itself. Normally what I would do is create a tagging rule with the information that you have in the MZ and then add in the MZ the filtering with the tag. And try making rules more automatic, rules dependant of names will fail in the future pretty easily. 

For the MZ check that you are really picking the entities you want to select. 

If you don't find the issue you can allways contact D1 chat support, they will gladly help in troubleshooting your configuration. 

Best regards! Wish good monitoring! 


Thank you very much!

I did as you say and deleted the matching problems from the alerting profile and now it's working jus fine!

Wish ypu an excellent day!

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