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OneAgent SDK Python - IncomingWebRequestTracer - availibility to define start/response time


For some Dynatrace services, we have to recontruct the call from logs and simulate the processing time. This has limitation when the log came to late. We notice that IncomingWebRequestTracer keep the ingestion time for "client-side start time". It is not that we want. The trace is not correct because it is due to recontruct service ingestion process after fetching the logs. And do not reveal the correct time.

Is it possible to specify ourself the following parameter :
- client-side start time

- client-side response time

- server-side start time

-server-side reponse time
- processing time



If not, I will post a request in the OneAgent SDK Python (for trace_incoming_web_request)


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

No,it is  not possible to specify timings. The client side timing is measured from the calling side (not sure what's that in your case).

Did you consider using OpenTelemetry instead? It allows you to define exact start/end times.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

Do you think that it is possible to find a workarround with opentelemetry in order to backdate (less than 24h) a http call and process it as a service in Dynatrace ?

Yes, but it's just 60 minutes in the past (see limits), but it allows you to specify start and end times. But Python OpenTelemetry API has options for both. 

I'm not familiar with your environment and requirements, but I'd consider skipping opentelemetry api/sdk completely and producing compatible json payloads instead (example). You can have some inspiration here.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

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