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Override a management zone problem


Hello all,

context is simple, I have an application A, identified like a management zone A, in an on premise DT. This application is running batches, java, python and so on for other applications B to Z (mz B to Z), kind of "client applications".

Those batches are running and logging on the hosts belonging to the mz A.

In the log rows I am able to determine to which application B to Z the log error is relative to.

Then I would like to find a way to create problem(s) linked to the client applications/mzs, B to Z, despite the log files, where we do find the pattern issuing problems at the end, are stored on host(s) belonging to mz A.

Does anybody has an idea about how to do a such 🙂 ? Of course I would like to avoid to request the application A to change anything in their way of working today.

Thx and regards.




DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


When you ingest logs, normally they are linked to a process group. You need to be sure that process group is under target management zone.

Log X -> Process group A -> Management zone A.
Log X -> Process group B -> Management zone B.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

Hello Anton,

thank you for your feedback.

Let me check if it can work.

However can you confirm if we have to way to override the management zone of the "log row" or problem linked to this log pattern detection ?

Thx and regards.



Are all logs coming from same process group? Different sources?

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl


today more than 100 process groups are existing, through 2 custom technologies, as those process are running very fast, they were not detected automatically. However most of those processes are feeding the same log file.

Best regards.



If all of them written same log, I am not sure if that is possible. I hope someone provide you a better answer than mine.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

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