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Pharma industry logs and data regulation


Hi there,

I need to know experiences related to the data DT may gather, including logs from labs instrumental, and how industry specific regulation may affect. Does anybody have experience with such a request?

Any guidance?




Hello and good day,

You will have at some point read the following Dynatrace link regarding privacy settings:

However, this documentation may not go far enough or answer all your concerns regarding regulatory obligations.. The following needs to be considered and I recommend you review your company compliance documentation.

Retention - how long you store your data
(35 days with v1/v2 logging and tracing, more with Grail)

Location - where you are storing your data
(Dynatrace Cloud, or managed, you need to know where your cloud is hosting YOUR data)

Sensitivity - PII, PHI, GDPR..the list goes on. 
Be careful here, some data according to local/regional laws etc might not allow data to be stored out of country or continent. In europe its popular, now we are seeing some US States implement similar.

Handling - scramping/masking PII etc
There are some features that help to mask certain field and attributes. Other logging./data vendors have the same features.

Data Extraction
Again worth checking is there are clauses that mention data extraction. Where a "someone" might request x data for x days. Make sure you know how to do this.

Data Encryption
Your compliance document will be needed here.

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