28 Feb 2023 02:18 PM
How can I turnoff these command line arguments ,since these contains some sensitive data and can all users are able to view this .
Is there a way to mask them or not pushing them into dynatrace itself ??
28 Feb 2023 05:52 PM
Hello @Pranav1 ,
I think it's not possible but perhaps with IAM policies however I'm not sure that you will have the fine-grained schema :
Or, you could define management zones without visibility on process group, only with visibility on services and webapplications.
05 Sep 2024 10:26 PM
i am going to take the idea Aurelien advised that create a policy to allow access Service & WebApp, Host only and exclude Process level acess. But this doesn't solve our concern that command argument do contains sensitive info that is security concern. Command line argument masking didn't have process so far.
06 Sep 2024 08:48 AM
Exposing tokens or other sensitive information as process command line arguments is generally a bad idea in the first place. Can't you just fix it in your application?