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Release Metadata using Env Var


We've configured our pipeline (Octopus) to set environment variables at the IIS app pool level during the release. The environment variables are getting picked up by Dynatrace and are visible on the process instances as release version, build version, etc. However, when viewing the traces in the Distributed Traces Classic app, I don't see any release metadata attached to them. When viewing the traces in the new Distributed Tracing app, I have some interesting findings. 

The request that's coming in is a simple GET /health, but I see two spans for it. The root span is of technology IIS, and has the app pool information but no release metadata. The second span is of technology AspNetCore and does have release metadata. This doesn't make much sense to me because the app pool level is where we have the environment variables configured in the first place. It makes for a tough experience when using the Requests view in the app because that data is not attached to the request (root span) for some odd reason. Is this a bug or should this be expected? I don't want to always have to use the Spans view when trying to group by my release metadata.


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