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Request count from merged services, splitted and response time


Hi everyone,

I have some differences from a multidimensional analysis that I couldn't explain.

I have a service named : "search"

On this service, I added a request attribute, so I can now show services, splitted by dimension : "search by store"

When I show on multidimensional analysis for "request count" metric :

  • filter for service "search", merged services : 60796
  • filter for service "search", split by store dimension (I have less than 100 occurences, so everything should be there), I export everything in excel and sum the column "TOTALS.count" : 60154

It could be normal : not all the request may have the header used for the dimension.

I change the metric to "Response time" :

  • filter for service "search", split by store dimension (I have less than 100 occurences), I export everything in excel and sum the column "estimatedLoad" : 60435

This is my question : why I have a column "estimatedLoad" which is the request count for the "response time metric" greater than "totals.COUNT" from the "request count metric" ?

I see estimated in the column but do we have more details on it ?



Dynatrace automatically traces end-to-end transactions thanks to its PurePath technology. While Dynatrace already captures a lot of contextual information on each PurePath we can leverage Request Attributes to capture additional information such as HTTP Request Parameters, Headers, Cookies or ...

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your feedback, but the documentations are too high level for my current issue.



Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

What is the timeframe you are using for this, according to my experience the timeframe usually changes the number of requests.
Try a specific timeframe like this and do a comparison.





We use the timeframe "yesterday", I assumed that it is the midnight-midnight period but I will confirm that.

Thanks for your help !

We are doing more "extraction" to see if it always happen or only sometimes.

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