28 Aug 2024 05:06 PM
So we have an api service running on a Azure Web App with deployment slots. I created full web request and full service request rules to detect if the server has api in the name as it shows this in the service settings. However whenever we do a new deployment and swap slots for the App Service; Dynatrace creates a new service and fails to combine it with my previous service from the rules set up. This creates a huge issue with custom metrics and web request naming rules built off this previous service for dashboarding etc.
How can I get to where if a new deployment happens Dynatrace will always pick up the new App Service and combine this into the existing service. I know merging services was removed in favor of Service Detection rules but maybe I am doing something wrong... Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
28 Aug 2024 05:25 PM
Hello @david-codedev ,
You might want to review your service aggregation rules using other identifiers specific to the service (perhaps the name includes the release, which is causing the mismatch). Here’s the documentation link: https://docs.dynatrace.com/docs/shortlink/merged-services#create-merged-service.
Another important point to consider is release monitoring. For your deployments and versions, add environment variables or properties so that Dynatrace can group them by versions rather than creating services for each release. Here’s the link to the documentation: https://docs.dynatrace.com/docs/shortlink/version-detection.
I hope this helps! If you have any additional questions or need further clarification, please let me know.
29 Aug 2024 01:08 AM
This seems very similar to what I am seeing in our env. I created a ticket with support earlier today.
I created a full web request rule so that the webserver name and web application ID are the same after each deployment. It works for that part but there is still a new service ID being created which is confusing to me since I thought the calculation is based off of values from context root, web app id and web server name, based off the below when viewing the properties of the service and those 3 values being marked with an ✱
Attributes marked with an asterisk ✱ are used for service detection.