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Support for WebSphere running on IBM i Series systems


Is there any way to monitor Java applications running on Websphere Application Server but running on IBM i Series?

I cannot find any documentation or example for this.

IBM i Series supports WAS:


And I know OneAgent supports WAS but I can only find information for AIX, Linux, Windows and z/OS.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

IBM iSeries is not supported for installing OneAgents. You can only use any kind of remote monitoring for pulling metrics. For traces, I'm afraid the only method would be OpenTelemetry incorporated into your applications and sending it to Dynatrace. 

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

Hi Julius, appreciate your response.

In terms of pulling metrics remotely, is there anything already developed for this? Our main goal is to be able to apply APM on the Java application running there.

Best regards,


The only extension I'm aware of is . I get your goal, but I'm not aware of any intentions to bring more on the iSeries platform when it comes to APM functionality.  

Maybe @_Alexander_  can bring more light if something is planned, but I don't see it on the roadmap. Java on iSeries is not very common.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner


We are currently trying to deploy OpenTelemetry in those WAS servers but no luck...

OpenTelemetry does not explicitly support IBM WAS on IBM i series it seems.

A shame because other APM like New Relic can manage this with their agent for java....

java is common on IBM i they have recently created a SQL service for JVM information.
select * from qsys2.jvm_info
JVM_INFO view - IBM Documentation
Java Services - IBM Documentation

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