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Using NodeJS version 8 - when to use OneAgent NodeJS SDK and does it use async hooks?


We are evaluating OneAgent with NodeJS ver 8.x micro-service which uses expressJS and mongoDB.

Question 1 - Do we need to use OneAgent SDK?

Question 2 - Does Dynatrace OneAgent SDK use async hooks?


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hello @Vineet B.

The Dynatrace OneAgent SDK enables you to instrument your application manually to extend end-to-end visibility for frameworks and technologies for which there is no code module available yet. With the SDK, you get full access to all analysis and monitoring functionality, including auto-baselining and AI-based root cause analysis.

With the Dynatrace OneAgent SDK, you can:

  • Trace incoming and outgoing remote calls
  • Trace database requests
  • Trace incoming web requests
  • Trace in-process asynchronous execution

Have a look on the below blog for more insight.




Thanks @Babar Q. for the helpful answer.

So without OneAgent SDK we should be able to look at NodeJS metrics? We are not seeing those.

I am also not seeing detailed CPU consumption - nodejs service requests CPU - show code level - hotspots. I get "No method hotspots contributing to CPU time available.
Please ensure Dynatrace OneAgent version >=1.131 is installed." message.


Thanks @Babar Q. for the helpful answer.

So even without OneAgent NodeJS SDK we should see NodeJS metrics? I am not seeing NodeJS metrics at process level.

Also not seeing "code level" - service hotspots. I am seeing a message "No method hotspots contributing to CPU time available.
Please ensure Dynatrace OneAgent version >=1.131 is installed.
analyzed requests contain no method hotspot information. This can
happen in case of very fast requests or due to other influences like
garbage collection. Please select a bigger timeframe or adjust the
filter criteria to analyze more requests."

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