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What is the best practice for moving OneAgent servers from one tenant to another?


We would like to move 15 OA servers to another tenant due to access limitations (view confidental data) which are needed.

Tags, mark key requests, etc are already configured in the current environment but how can we migrate it to another tenant or even audit the current tenant to confirm the settings have been migrated over manually.


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Oneagents cannot be migrated between environments. Supported method is to reinstall them. Since they get configuration from the tenant, it's just a matter of seconds to reinstall an agent.

Currently, I'm not aware of any supported method of migrating any configurations between tenants (environments). I can only think of non-supported ones 🙂

Regarding confidential data, this is also a role (permission) that can be granted or revoked for a user. Maybe just playing with roles would help in your case. But roles are global, this effectively means you can't have permission to access confidential data only on a subset of hosts/services.

This answer is no longer since introduction of oneagentctl features to support changing tenant, token and communication endpoints.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

Thank you @Julius L.

Auditing would be an amazing feature to have.

Sonja, This forum is the Q/A forum. If you want to suggest a product feature, it's better to post it to the "Product Ideas" forum where it can be tracked and voted up, etc. Also regarding your Auditing suggestion, it would be helpful to better understand the use case around auditing and why you think it would be helpful, beneficial. But again, please post all this in the Product Ideas forum.




Check this link i think we have the possibility to change tenant and server via oneagentctl :

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