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Why does removing tags from a host take several hours?



We have some logic that is tied to general host tags:

Host >  Properties and tags > Tags


Adding a tag to a host with a command works almost instantly.



/opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/tools/oneagentctl --set-host-tag=AppSomething=Enabled




However, removing the same tag can take hours. The problem is that while it is removed instantly from the OneAgent, it continues to be displayed in the SaaS GUI for a very long time, and until it disappears, the logic will not change.



/opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/tools/oneagentctl --remove-host-tag=AppSomething=Enabled



Does anyone knows why this is happening?

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hi @100grm,

In the CloudOps certification materials I have found this.

When does meta data/naming/tagging get applied:

▪ Tagging and naming rules: ~ 30s
▪ Manual/API based: immediately
▪ Via environment variables (for Process Groups): when process starts
▪ Via oneagentctl: Tags/Meta Data: ~5/10min delay
▪ Host name/host group: OneAgent restart

So in case of oneagentctl there is a delay, minutes not hours.

You should raise a support ticket with an example.

Best regards,


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

Hi @Mizső , 

Via oneagentctl: Tags/Meta Data: ~5/10min delay - for us on the latest version of OneAgent and SaaS it is from 4 to 6 hours. Looks like there is no solution

Thx for your help

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