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import data from environment to another separate environment



i have a situation, 2 different clients buts it's come cross that they are share responsibility of the same application, customer 1 have the frontend and customer 2 have the backend  i have request from customer 2 that he want to import all the date of the backend from customer 1 to have full visibility on the whole journey of the application and collarette the date

my first question is it doable?

the second question what is the option i have to do it?




Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Hey @IslamEsmail 

Exporting/importing data isn't strictly supported/possible however there are a couple of options for cross environment correlation. The first is configuring cross environment tracing as specified here. This allows for easy following of a trace from one environment to another assuming people have access to the trace in both environments. Using this method you can also put data on classic dashboards from remote environments. Detailed here.

The second option is to use the Dynatrace API to make calls to put data on dashboards (assuming you're on SaaS). Examples can be found here.

Hope these help!

hi fin

thanks for your reply

regarding the first approach how we make the pulled data regarding specific group or app

You need to properly implement ABAC,



And create access from Customer 1 users in Customer 2 tenant.

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