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Auto-instrumenting an Android app for UEM, obfuscated apk

We are trying to use auto-instrumentation to instrument the Android UEM, they use obfuscation when creating the apk file with proguard:
-proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android.txt"), ""
Would this cause any problem with the auto-instrumentation, would it work?


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Hey Alejandro,

Yes, you have to exclude some parts from obfuscation and optimization. Regarding your other question, you have to exclude the OkHttp3 library from obfuscating. You find the details in the documentation.

When you enrich your mobile user experience data via the OneAgent SDK for Mobile, then you also have to exclude the OneAgent library from obfuscating. This step is not needed, when you use the latest agent (version 7.1).

Than you @Thomas W.

update: recent plugin version (8+) performs the instrumentation before obfuscation is done, thus the obfuscation rules no longer need to be adjusted. Details can be found here:

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