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Configuring hybrid mobile apps


Hi all.

I have a hybrid application with the mobile view (app01) and the web view (app01 web), also I´ve another defined application (app03).

Is there any way to change so that the application hybrid this way to app01 and app03?

I wouldn´t like to lose data I have so far in the app03 application

Thanks in advenced.

Jose A



Hello again.

Let's see if someone can help me.

I have researched more on how to solve my problem, and I have a doubt:

If I change the value of the ApplicationID parameter in the corresponding file (dyntrace.config, build.gradle, Info.plist or, could this solve our problem?


Jose A

Dynatrace Pro
Dynatrace Pro

Basically you would need to change the JSAgent. So in the dynatrace.config file you should have the JSAgent data of the other application. Now it depends what the other application is. If it is a manual injected one, then everything will work fine. If it is an automatically injected one, you need to change all the report URL stuff to a fixed absolute url.

Additionally you need a dynatrace support for changing the linking between your mobile app (app01) and the other app03. Because currently if you would click on Hybrid app you will always come to app01web. This can only be changed through configuration.

For this please open a support ticket.

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