08 Jan 2020 06:18 AM
Dear All,
It is my first encounter with the Cordova for the Hybrid Mobile App monitoring.
I wanted to know/clarify a few following basic configuration options:
08 Jan 2020 07:27 AM
Is there any reason you don't want to use the Dynatrace Cordova Plugin? (https://www.npmjs.com/package/dynatrace-cordova-plugin) - Because this plugin is doing everything out of the box and should answer all of your questions.
08 Jan 2020 08:22 AM
Hello @Matthias H.
The use case is to produce a dynatrace.config file and give it to the consultant (who builds the mobile application) for the instrumentation.
I already shared the Dynatrace Cordova Plugin with them, and now I will have to generate the proper dynatrace.config to give them for the instrumentation and testing.