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How to capture the time difference between two user actions and show it in dashboard?

Dynatrace Participant
Dynatrace Participant

Hi all,


In RUM, we can see two timestamps of two user actions like below:


12:00:01  login

12:01:48  load landing page


Question: is there a way to display the time difference (1m47s) in the dashboard? The goal is to set up a dashboard to show how the time difference varies every day for a month. The customer wants to visualize the effect of deployment in terms of the time difference above. If the feature is not available at the moment, please advise if this will be included in the road map? Thanks.





Dynatrace Pro
Dynatrace Pro

Hi LeonHu,


I believe this isn't possible at the moment. However, would it not be more interesting to look at the metrics of the two actions? For example action duration or Visually complete etc. to spot performance degradations based on new deployments.

What exactly is happening in the time difference? (1m47s)


Kind regards,


Dynatrace Participant
Dynatrace Participant

Hi Philipp,


Customer has a portal for different vendors to login and display the role-based device pages.

user action 1: in, enter id/pwd, click Login; (Login as a specific vendor)

user action 2: page will be redirected to ( where all the devices status of that vendor.


Customer wants to have a chart to show the everyday time difference of a particular vendor for 30 days. And they want to set up the similar dashboards for the other 49 vendors.

Currently, their management can only logon as a vendor, go to RUM, waterfall analysis to calculate the time difference which is not user-friendly. 

The ideal outcome is: they have a dashboard to show the daily time difference curve and compare the curve with the previous 2 weeks. (They have bi-weekly deployment and would like to see if there is an improvement or deterioration after each deployment for their vendors)

Is there any way to achieve this? Thanks.

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hi @LeonHu 

IMO in this case you will need to create Custom user action with JavaScript API enterAction  and leaveAction 



dynatrace certificated professional - dynatrace master partner - Matrix Soft Ware Division - Israel

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