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Linking User Sessions to a backend trace



We are trying to link the backend traces (which we are ingesting into Dynatrace through OpenTelemetry tracing) with the front-end requests. The idea is to look up the correct trace for a user session.

How do we link the backend traces and the front-end requests?

One option we thought of is to include some unique IDs in traceparent header which can flow through Dynatrace and identify the user. Can you please help us with the options and how we can implement them?


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

To better understand the situation - you need to link requests in Dynatrace UI from real user monitoring (waterfall from user actions) to backend requests and traces from backend are ingested opentelemetry traces? So there is no OneAgent on any service between the browser and your backend?  

If this is the case, I'm afraid that's not possible at the moment without OneAgent. Stitching of user sessions with backend data is done by other means and you need OneAgent at least on the entry service  - can be a reverse proxy/load balancer, basically anything that supports rum to trace correlation - see supported technologies. RUM to trace correlation does not use W3C trace context, but different means.

Can you share more details on your setup?

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

@krupananda123 Can you share more details on your setup? As we can see Julius is happy to help you. 🙂

When passion meets people magic and innovation happen.


I has Open telemetry POC.
We found the on current moment there are 2 limitations with integration:
- pure path is not supported  
- smartscape is not supported

workaround is to create session and  action properties where will be stored session and request id to next manual search in distributed traces child transactions binded with back end

If someone solved this problems better - please let me know

Hi @AgataWlodarczyk 

We have a similar usecase,where we are ingesteding OTEL traces into dynatrace and want those traces to be connected to the frontend useractions(which are monitored with dynatrace using Dynatrace JS tag).

Please let us know if this is supported.



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