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Set user session property from server-side request attribute?


We are extracting a request attribute from an HTTP POST parameter, and I'd like to make the request attribute value visible as a User Session Parameter. I had heard that this capability would exist in version 164 but I do not see any documentation related to this, nor can I find anything in the Dynatrace configuration screens that relates to this functionality. Can anyone confirm whether we can set a user session property value from a server-side request attribute and, if so, how that is done?




If it's enabled for your tenant, it is accessible by editing the application -> User Tags. Then in the pulldown there will be a new option: "ServerSide Request Attribute". If this option does not show up, then this feature is not enabled for your tenant.

You might want to consider joining the EAP program for this feature. Some additional data and a link to join the EAP is available:

Thanks Joseph... in our case we would want to add the value to a Session Property rather than a user tag, but I can see from the info in the link you provided that this capability should be found in the session properties configuration as well.

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