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Split Application detection into 2


Hello Community,

I have a question.


I have an application detection rule (base on a domain).

This application is used with both Web and Mobile.

I want to split this application into 2 sub applications, the goal is to disable the JavaScript injections in the web portal and have only statistics for the Mobile.


Any one tried this?


Have a good day.

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DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Hi @Malaik,

When you say Mobile, is that a native mobile app on Android / iOS, or a hybrid mobile app? If it is a hybrid app, you should be able to do what you're trying to achieve by following the steps outlined here and then disabling injection for the web portal.


However, if the mobile you refer to, is native mobile, that should already go into a separate application, but it is not done via application detection rules, but rather via adding the agent into the Android or iOS native mobile application code.


I hope this helps! 🙂

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