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What is the value proposition for having DEM metrics on dashboard?

Community Team
Community Team

What are the main benefits for the users?


Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

One of the main benefits of having digital experience data on Grail is that practitioners will have access to all the real user monitoring as well as synthetic data generated by their front-end applications. In addition, Grail also enables the saving of granular data such as those that do not trigger back-end requests, captured without sessions, or from apps that are temporarily offline to name a few. Furthermore, while this data can be queried with DQL not everybody is going to be familiar with writing the precise queries required. Also, while querying raw data can be especially useful there could be additional costs incurred. However, metrics, available at no additional cost, are available via dashboards and the core DEM apps to meet the needs of your use-cases. 

Read more about granular digital experience data for insightful analysis with DEM metrics on dashboards and apps on ...

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