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Issues with Exam Dynatrace Associate - Examity


Does anyone have problems with Examity? I already took two exams and they canceled me, I don't understand their instructions well, they make me activate and deactivate tasks, is there any other option to take the exam?


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hello. I recommend checking the requirements on your Examity profile; if all is in order, there should be no issues. 



The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.

Hi @DanielS 

I reviewed the requirements but the problem is the language barrier, I cannot understand some of the proctor's instructions and that is why she canceled both exams, I told her to send me the ones that I did not understand through chat and she refused, what could I do in this case please? , thank you


Understood. I'm not sure what your mother language is; in my case, it's Spanish, so I understand that some instructions can be difficult to comprehend. 

My recommendation is: every proctor needs to review the following list of requirements and agree to each one (Verbal agreement is required for legal reasons, I presume.). Subsequently, you should display your desk, surrounding area, and identification. Nothing beyond these steps is required. They put a code and you can start exam. That's all.

Alone in room. --> You respond Understood or Agree
Clear Desk and Area.  --> You respond Understood or Agree
Connected to a powersource.  --> You respond Understood or Agree
No phones or headphones.  --> You respond Understood or Agree
No dual monitors.  --> You respond Understood or Agree
No leaving seat.  --> You respond Understood or Agree
No talking.  --> You respond Understood or Agree
Webcam, speakers, and microphone must remain on throughout the test.  --> You respond Understood or Agree
The proctor must be able to see you for the duration of the test.  --> You respond Understood or Agree

The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.


Hello @Nicky23 

before the exam ensure:

  • you don't have any running background tasks.
  • no Dynatrace related bookmarks or bookmark bar shown through the browser.
  • follow the other proctor instructions, you will nail it next attempt.



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