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Extending wait time for synthetic monitor clickpath events


Hi all,


Had a question regarding synthetic monitoring and clickpath events- In one of my clickpaths, there is an event that occasionally takes a while to load. I set up next event trigger to wait for 60s (max time available), but this error still persists. Is there anyway to exceed 60s as the max time? Image for reference




by default, the next action doesn't begin until the current is completed as it Wait for page to load completely waits for network activity to be completed after the load event is triggered, by default it wait for 60s approximately the workaround is to use API to force update your clickpath event wait time globally to be more than this number.


   "bmMonitorTimeout": 300000,
   "bmStepTimeout": 60000



body parameters:

1. bmMonitorTimeout: browser monitor execution timeout (ms) - default 300000 (5 minutes)
2. bmStepTimeout: browser monitor single step execution timeout (ms) - default 60 seconds


for more details check these links

Mostafa Hussein.

Certified Dynatrace Professional | Certified Dynatrace Services - Observability | Certified Dynatrace Services - App Developer
Dynatrace Partner


@MostafaHussein Sorry, I am relatively new to using Dynatrace. How would I use the API in the clickpath event?

Hello @vuthayak 

As described by @MostafaHussein 

First of all if you have cluster admin permission you will be able to execute the below steps, otherwise ask DT admin provides you with change monitoring settings on the target monitoring environment to be capable of running the attached commands.

  1. You will create a token with syntheticLocations.write scope.
  2. Use the created token through the Environment API V2  > Synthetic Synthetic - Locations, nodes, and configuration 
  3. Use PUT/synthetic/config the below is the description

"Updates set of synthetic related parameters defined for whole tenant (affects all monitors and all private locations)."

  • Unlock using the generated token.
  • Then try it out.
  • Update the attached section with the suggested values.
{  "bmMonitorTimeout": 900000,  "bmStepTimeout": 180000

 Then execute.

After successful execution the attached response code should appear.


Success. The set of synthetic related parameters has been updated


  • The configurations values will be updated automatically and the attached error won't be exposed again in the future.

Hopefully it helps.



thanks @Peter_Youssef, wonderful explanation.

Certified Dynatrace Professional | Certified Dynatrace Services - Observability | Certified Dynatrace Services - App Developer
Dynatrace Partner

hello @vuthayak ,

- the configuration level is the environment so you'll set the default values over all synthetic monitors

- download Postman and follow the screenshot

1. go to `Access Tokens` in the left menu, then create new one with this permission `syntheticLocations.write` once created copy it to text file to be used later, see the following 2 figures




2. open Postman, add new request, use your environment URL and set the method to PUT as the following figure, to use the mentioned endpoint 'api/v2/synthetic/config' you should add it to your environment base URL as shown below

3. move to Body tab then select raw and use the body as below format then edit the values as mentioned in my last reply


4. move to headers tab and add the Authorization in this format 'Api-Token {place-your-token}'


5. just click `Send` once did, you'll get response code 204 with no content that indicates it's sent successfully.


Mostafa Hussein.



Certified Dynatrace Professional | Certified Dynatrace Services - Observability | Certified Dynatrace Services - App Developer
Dynatrace Partner

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