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adding timestamp to textvalue in browser clickpath Synthetic Monitors


Hi  All - we need to generate a reconcilation report everyday.

for ex: App --> create recon report --> "Myreconreportname" . so , i have created a Synthetic check to record the session.

for the first attempt, when i do "record Clickpath" it was successful, when i schedule this synthetic check to run every 1 day, Synthetic check got failed saying "Myreconreportname" already exist.

Script i see in the synthetic recorder is:
"description": " keystrokes on \"txtReconReportName\"",



i want to add timestamp along with Myreconreportname so that my synthetic check will succeed everyday.


Appreciate if i can get some solution to this


Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru

You will need to use a JavaScript event to generate the report name. 

var todayDate = new Date();
var reportName = "Myreconreportname" + todayDate;
api.setValue("reportName", reportName);

you can then use the placeholder {reportName} for the Keystroke value



Synthetic SME and community advocate.

Hi @HannahM  - Thanks for the reply,

Where can i use the sample script shared by you? 

var todayDate = new Date();
var reportName = "Myreconreportname" + todayDate;
api.setValue("reportName", reportName);


My Code is looks like below:


{ "Type" : "keystrokes",

    "target": {

                      "locators": [{

                                  "type": "css",

                                  "value": "#txtReconReportName"


                                   "type": "css",

                                  "value": ".form-control:eq(0)"


                               "type": "css",

                               "value": "#txtReconReportName"


                               "type": "css",

                               "value": "input[type=\"text\"][id=\"txtReconReportName"]"



"masked" : false,

"SimulateBlurEvent" : true,

"description":"Keystroke on \#txtReconReportName\""

"textvalue": "{ReportName}" -- Placeholder as suggested by you



The snippet should go in a new JavaScript event which you add prior to the Keystrokes event. 

Synthetic SME and community advocate.

Thanks @HannahM  it worked.

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