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🎥 How to ensure Crossplane Resilience through Observability

Community Team
Community Team

Crossplane - The cloud-native control plane framework - is a popular choice for platform engineering teams to orchestrate applications and infrastructure as code. Being such a critical component, you must ensure that Crossplane is resilient, performs well, and is available at any moment.

In this session hosted by Andi Grabner @andreas_grabner, Katharina Sick @ksick , Senior Software Engineer at Dynatrace, walks us through how to use observability to ensure resiliency and, with this, build the trust that engineers need to have in this critical component.

Links we discussed:

GitHub Repo with doc and dashboards.

Chapter List:
00:00 - Introduction
00:25 - Why Crossplane Resiliency is important
00:55 - How to observe Crossplane Health!
01:30 - How to observe Crossplane with Dynatrace
02:30 - DEMO - Step-by-Sstep Guide to making Crossplane Observable
09:38 - Wrap Up and additional resources

Link to the recording on Dynatrace University: LINK

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