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🎥 Mastering Logs with Dynatrace: Unlocking Log Insights Without Queries

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In this session hosted by Andi Grabner @andreas_grabner , Michał Frańczak @michal_franczak , Principal Product Manager at Dynatrace, demonstrates how to ingest and analyze logs in context without writing complex queries:

00:00 Unleash Log Insights: Query-Free Analysis Unveiled!
00:22 One-Click Magic: Dive into Log Analytics Instantly!
01:07 Seamless Log Integration: Dynatrace's Quick Setup Guide
03:44 Kubernetes Logs Unveiled: Navigate the Container Chaos!
05:10 Trace the Trails: Contextualizing Logs for Actionable Insights
07:05 Deep Dive into Infrastructure: Log Analytics Unveiled
07:45 Cracking the Code: Solving Problems with Contextual Log Insights
09:33 Teamwork Unleashed: Collaborative Log Analysis in Notebooks
11:08 Kickstart Your Log Journey: Dive into Contextual Insights!

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