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Alerting profile filter using affected number of infrastructure components in a problem


Is there a feasibility to filter out a problem based on affected number of infrastructure components?

Example in a problem, if there are 12 infrastructure components affected, at present they're picked by alerting based on severity and tags which has a delay, if I have to filter them based on impacted infrastructure components, is that possible? Intent here is, if multiple infrastructure components are affected, we don't want a delay, and it must be delivered to 3rd party integration on prior which may not work with current alerting profile.

Do note that I'm aware that when multiple infrastructure components are affected Davis AI correlates then under one problem title "Multiple infrastructure problems", however, I'm unable to use title filtering option in alerting profile for this type.

Any insights on this would be appreciated.

Many thanks,



Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

Hi @SrikanthSamraj , 
System is designed to make use of tag and ideally there should be no delay, please check with support.
On the question of affected entities-based alerting, one way is to create a management zone for entities and then use that in alerting.
Another way is to use Workflows and develop something specific if the use case makes sense to go for this approach.


Hi @RohitBisht,

Delay which I mentioned is intentionally set us to avoid any false positives during intended restart for severity "Availability".

Unfortunately, using management zone is not an option for us.

As I responded to @AntonPineiro, trying to explore Davis Anomaly detection with filter for title "Multiple infrastructure problems" so that it can be picked by a new alerting profile that has no delay defined. However, I'm wondering how to exclude problems of this type from the existing alerting profile to prevent redundancy in the notification system since title filters for "Multiple infrastructure problems" wouldn't work with current options available in problem alerting profiles.

Many thanks,


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


I think you cannot filter alerting profiles base on number of impacted entities. Maybe you can filter if tittle contains "Multiple" but this would be only to split between problems with 1 impacted entities vs more than 1.

I do not see a way to split for example when you have 5 entities impacted or more than 5, for example.

This looks like a product idea to me, but let wait another answers.

Best regards

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Title filtering for cases like "Multiple infrastructure problems" wouldn't work here since this title is generated by Davis AI. I've tried this option.

On a side note, product support suggested to submit RFE. However, I'm thinking to explore Davis Anomaly detection to see if it can help by any means.



Product idea has been raised -> 

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

Yes @AntonPineiro I've submitted one few mins ago.

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