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Convert Log query to log metric event for alerting

Frequent Guest

We need to create a log metric to track the number of errors per minute, and then we can create a metric event that triggers if the number of errors is > some value for more than X minutes in the last X minutes.  This should then create a problem card if there are errors and then we can create alerts off of that problem card.


fetch logs //, scanLimitGBytes: 500, samplingRatio: 1000
| filter matchesValue(, "dynakube-prd-centralus-plum-app-k8s") or matchesValue(, "dynakube-prd-eastus2-plum-app-k8s")
| filter matchesValue(, "claims-ai-svc-claims-ai-helm-*")
| filter == "claims-ai-helm" 
| sort timestamp desc
| parse content, "JSON:json"
| filter json[level] == "error"
| fields  timestamp ,json[level],json[data][msg],json[context], json[aiClaimId],content,json[hostname]


I am creating the new log processing rule but I am unable to set the correct processor definition in addition to the Matcher as my query above has several filters. Can someone assist me with corrections? Following documentation here:

Create anomaly detection metric — Dynatrace Docs

Currently i'm using the last matchesValue:

matchesValue(, "claims-ai-svc-claims-ai-helm-*")


Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

Hi @rpeng ,
As far as I understood your query, you should use summarize to get the count of errors and then split using dimensions.
Below is a sample:

fetch logs
| filter loglevel == "ERROR"
| summarize count(), by: {,log.source}

Later, while setting the alert definition you can set the 1 minute interval to check the count of errors. 


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