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Davis® Anomaly Detection -Manual suppress problem, Open a new one if issue still exist


We created static threshold anomaly detector event using new named "App Davis® Anomaly Detection". We are successfully able to create problem if DQL result violate threshold. Our query is if problem is manually closed, and issue still exist then new problem is not opening. We tried option of adding property dt.event.suppress_problem false in the event property but still didn't open new problem. is there a way this can be done?



Hi @Sachinpai ,
Not sure why you want a problem to open when you have closed it manually. Davis wouldn't do that when it Identifies a problem let's say you consider error when a certain log record occurs more than 100 times in an hour then Davis creates problem based on the "Static Threshold" that you have created. Once it crosses 100 unless it comes down and goes up again it is the same problem. When you close it manually Davis understands that you want to ignore this issue or you have done something that will resolve this eventually.

All the theory aside, if you really want this to happen I suggest to use workflows and combine it with events API to create problems manually. Do remember to add this tag as property 


This allows davis not to suppress problems even when they occur frequently. This may or may not work on Davis Anomaly Detector App.



Hello @Sachinpai 

Thanks for sharing your concern.

Kindly find the attached resources to figure out the full picture regarding the correlation between Davis && Anomaly detection ,.. etc: 


  • If you close the problem manually, So Davis AI will understand that the problem was triggered for threshold violation and the intended admin ignores this issue for the provided reason in the comment section.
  • If the problem is opened, the new events will be added automatically to the current opened problem.
  • Dynatrace won't raise a problem alert for the entity that impacted by the frequent issue, but you will be able to see the section of the frequent issues contain the most repeated issue.
  • Dynatrace will trigger an alert when the problem severity increases.

Hoping the shared resources add value.



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