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Dynatarce Alert API with Metric event

Frequent Guest

Help me with creating an alerting profile using api with severity level that is Custome_Alert

Metric event name - xyz with CPU saturation above 65% so - I want to create a alerting profile using DT api so only this metric event can be picked into alerting profile also auto tag we can add into script and event filters as required


Do help me with above need i was trying this with the help of DT documentation but only able to create alerting profile but as per the need i need to act so please provide an output on this



@Peter_Youssef  & @HannahM Could you please help on this.

Thanks in advance

Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

I recommend that you ask on chat. Thanks

Synthetic SME and community advocate.

I am unable to open that at the moment

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